Welcome To The Show!

SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 - The deal fell through so now, for the time being, I am a host without a home. It was an inspiring experience for me and I am sad that it did not continue as was promised to me. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Thanks again to all you folks around the world who made it so worthwhile! We'll find each other in the universe again. Blessed Be!
NOVEMBER 18, 2004 - The show has been picked up and is slated to return within a few weeks, if not sooner, according to network management. Following the last broadcast (Prof. Dale Carpenter), guests for the weeks following have been postponed pending rescheduling. Thank you for your understanding. My most sincere apologies to each and every guest and to our listeners as well.
HOWEVER, Fear NOT!! Especially Listeners, Cathy in KS, Eddie In NY, Kerry in Australia, Jean-Pierre in Montreal, Jeff in FL, Dean in GA and Charlie In NJ and Carol in NJ...negotiations are underway for a new incarnation ASAP, on an exciting network. I promise to keep you all posted.
BOOKMARK THIS PAGE for updates as they become available!! A network has been chosen and negotiations are being finalized with the goal of a launch ASAP!!! Phenomenal! Please check back often for updates! I suggest once per week.In the interim you can send IM's
to "queernationshow" on AOL
or e-mail to:
queernationshow@aol.com (this e-addy is expected to change upon completion of negotiations), so please send an e-mail to be added to our network change notification list! I am SOOOO excited!!!!! I KNOW you will be too!
Boycott For Equality